COEN212 - Digital Systems Design I



Type Sections Days Start End Room Instructor
Lec EC 1 ------- 00:00 00:00 ONLINE ONLINE
Tut EC A 1 -T-J--- 13:15 14:55 MB 2.255
Lab ECAX 1 M------ 17:45 20:30 ONLINE ONLINE
Tut EC B 1 -T-J--- 13:15 14:55 H 565
Lab ECBX 1 -T----- 17:45 20:30 ONLINE ONLINE
Tut EC C 1 -T-J--- 13:15 14:55 MB S1.255
Lab ECCX 1 --W---- 17:45 20:30 ONLINE ONLINE
Lab ECDX 1 ---J--- 17:45 20:30 ONLINE ONLINE
Lab ECEX 1 M------ 17:45 20:30 ONLINE ONLINE
Lab ECFX 1 -T----- 17:45 20:30 ONLINE ONLINE

* Denotes that the room may have changed and might no longer match the copy from the Registrar

Class Schedule from Registrar