ENGR244 - Mechanics Of Materials



Type Sections Days Start End Room Instructor
Lec CC 2 M-W---- 14:45 17:15 H 520
Lec AA 5 M-W---- 14:45 17:15 H 520
Tut AAAE 5 M-W---- 18:30 20:20 H 1011
Lab AI-X 5 -T----- 09:15 12:00 H 963
Lab AJ-X 5 ---J--- 09:15 12:00
Lab AK-X 5 -T----- 13:15 16:00 H813 *
Lab AL-X 5 ---J--- 13:15 16:00
Lab AM-X 5 ----F-- 09:15 12:00
Lab AN-X 5 ----F-- 13:15 16:00
Tut CCAE 2 M-W---- 18:30 20:20 H 520
Tut CCAF 2 M-W---- 17:45 19:35 FG B030
Lab CI-X 2 -T----- 09:15 12:00 H 963
Lab CJ-X 2 ---J--- 09:15 12:00 H 963
Lab CK-X 2 -T----- 13:15 16:00 H 963
Lab CL-X 2 ---J--- 13:15 16:00 H 963
Lab CM-X 2 M------ 09:15 12:00 H 963
Lab CN-X 2 --W---- 08:45 11:30 H 963
Tut DEL 2 M-W---- 17:45 19:35
Lab Z-X 2 ------- 00:00 00:00

* Denotes that the room may have changed and might no longer match the copy from the Registrar

Class Schedule from Registrar


Room Calendar
H929 Today   This Week   This Month
H813 Today   This Week   This Month