



The following centres are affiliated with Concordia's Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Concordia Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence

Pattern recognition and machine intelligence (PARMI) has been a very active field in the past 20 years, particularly in the application area. PARMI techniques have been used to recognize characters, time-varying signals, voice, satellite pictures, objects, fingerprints, and weather patterns, in many scientific, business, and military applications.

Centre for Building Studies

The Centre for Building Studies (CBS) is a research centre whose goal is to conduct research that contributes to the building construction industry and that leads to buildings that are more energy efficient, comfortable, healthy, safe, and responsive to their inhabitants.

Concordia Centre for Advanced Vehicle Engineering

CONCAVE was founded in 1985 to focus research and development efforts in the area of Transport Technology. The establishment of the centre was made possible through several awards from federal and provincial organizations including a special grant under the Programme d’actions structurantes by the Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la science, Gouvernement du Québec (FCAR).

Concordia Centre for Composites

CONCOM has carried out research projects in composites since its establishment in 1979. The interest of researchers at the CONCOM center covers many areas: polymer composites, nanocomposites, polymer/metalic alloy, design of composite structures, testing of materials structures and properties, and development of new materials and manufacturing techniques.

Concordia Computational Intelligence Laboratory

The Concordia Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CCIL) grew out of the work and research of members of Concordia University's Computer Engineering and Computer Science faculty as well as a number of graduate students and collaborators in a range of other academic disciplines.

Centre for Signal Processing and Communications

Established in 1988, CENSIPCOM focuses on research and development projects related to various branches and applications of signal processing and communications. Its mission is to provide research and development leadership in the areas of Signal Processing and Communications.

Centre for Industrial Control

CIC was established in 1983 by the Board of Governors of Concordia University. Its mandate is to pursue excellence in industrial control and automation through education, research and active interaction with the industry.

Hardware Verification Group

This Group is one of the several research labs in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Concordia University. Its mission is the development of methodologies, algorithms and tools for the formal and semi-formal verification of hardware and embedded systems.

NSERC Smart Net-Zero Energy Buildings Strategic Research Network

The vision of the NSERC Smart Net-Zero Energy Buildings Strategic Research Network is the development of the solar-optimized building as an integrated advanced technological system that approaches net-zero energy consumption while being cost effective and comfortable.

Wireless and Satellite Communications Lab

The mission of the Wireless and Satellite Communications Lab is to conduct scientifically sound and industrially relevant research in the areas of wireless and satellite communications with the aim of developing techniques to facilitate tetherless multimedia communications and to train of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) for the Wireless and Satellite Communications Industry.


Concordia University