Policies & procedures


CARA funds


Program Guidelines:

Faculty members may benefit from only one of the two types of programs (postdoctoral fellows or equivalent, or graduate student support) at any one time. Support is provided subject to availability of funds. Please note that all eligibility criteria must be met.

CARA Support for Postdoctoral Fellows or Equivalent

Tenured, tenure-track or ETA member of the Faculty may apply through the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, for financial support to partially defray the salary of a visiting scientist, research associate or postdoctoral fellow.

  1. For partial support of a postdoctoral fellow (PDF) or equivalent working on research projects for faculty members in the Faculty
  2. Support is limited to either 25% of the actual salary when the remaining 75% is paid from the faculty member’s research account, or $6,000 plus benefits, whichever is less.
  3. Limited to one person supported from this source per faculty member at any time.
  4. Support for a given person is limited to a maximum of two years, and may be applied for by the supervisor only one year at a time.
  5. Requests will be entertained at any time of the year depending the availability of funds

Application Guidelines Requests for funding must include the following information:

  1. Curriculum Vitae of the person being invited
  2. A brief description of the research project
  3. The amount of support that will be provided from the faculty member's grant(s)
  4. Duration
  5. Recommendation letter from Department Chair

CARA Support for Graduate Students

The Availability of CARA funds for graduate Student Support: TBA

Tenured, tenure-track or ETA member of the Faculty may apply through the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, for financial support to partially defray the salary of their graduate thesis student.

  1. For the partial support of graduate thesis students in the Faculty, supervised by a member of the Faculty. The request must be initiated by the faculty member and will be considered by the committee.
  2. Support is limited to 50% of the total salary when the remaining 50% is paid from the faculty member’s research account, or $6,000, whichever is less, plus benefits.
  3. Support for a student from all sources, including CARA support, to be limited to the maximum NSERC support.
  4. The purpose of CARA support is to provide bridge funding when a faculty member is interested in doing research in a new area, and to provide emergency support due to an urgent need.
  5. Support for a given student is limited to a maximum of two years for a Master’s student and three years for a Doctoral student, and may be applied for by the student’s thesis supervisor only one year at a time.

Support is provided subject to availability of funds. Please note that all eligibility criteria must be met.

Application Guidelines

Requests for funding must include the following information:

  1. State type of funding requested: Bridge or emergency funding
  2. Provide information about the student to be supported and actual support received by the student from other sources.
  3. Provide transcripts and GPA of student to be supported.
  4. State the number and list the graduate students currently being supervised; include a list of the source and that actual amount of support provided from the faculty member's grant(s).
  5. A brief description of the research project.
  6. Start date and expected date of completion.
  7. Faculty member's curriculum vitae containing information for the past 5 years on publications, graduate students supervised and completed, research grants obtained.
  8. Grant Application Form*

(Faculty members who hold Start-Up Funds are not eligible to apply for CARA support for graduate students.)

* A duly completed and signed Grant Submission Form must be attached. The second page of the URO102 is not required. The PDF version of this form may be downloaded.


Concordia University