In this area of the website, you can find out more about the following policies and procedures of the Academic Personnel Office, which coordinates full-time institutes the Faculty Critical Path for meeting administrative deadlines required of our various union's collective agreements, as well as providing support to the Dean and to Advisory Search Committees:
The critical path provides you with a list of important dates to keep in mind throughtout the year, and gives the various deadlines related to specific actions in a faculty member's career path.
This page for new employees provides links to some valuable resources for new employees of Concordia University.
If you are a faculty member looking to renew your contract, this page about contract renewals will give you a step-by-step list to guide you through the process.
If you are a faculty member looking to be granted tenure to full professor status, this page will give you a step-by-step list to guide you through the tenure application process.
If you are a faculty member looking to apply for early promotion to Associate Professor, this page will give you a step-by-step list to guide you through the process.
If you are a faculty member looking to go on sabbatical, this page will give you a step-by-step list to guide you through the process of applying for a sabbatical leave.