Please note that the following courses should be taken in your first year of study, prior to following the regular engineering program. If you have already been awarded an exemption for a course you do not need to repeat it. Should you need any assistance in selecting courses, please do not hesitate to contact Student Academic Services for further assistance.
Recommended Course Sequence for MEP and ECP |
Students requiring English as Second Language (ESL) Courses
Students who are required to take ESL courses based on their CELDT (Concordia University English Language Diagnostic Test) score are advised accordingly in their Letter of Acceptance.
It is of the utmost importance that you register for ESL courses as outlined in your Letter of Acceptance. Students must take the lowest level ESL course in the term of the First Year and the next level(s), if any, in the subsequent terms. If you have difficulties registering for your ESL courses you should contact the CELDT Test Administrator, at 514-848-2424 ext.2453.
ESL courses are also offered in the summer for students who would like to complete their ESL requirement earlier or have been unsuccessful in one of their courses.
Social Sciences and Humanities (General Elective)
Students in the Mature Entry or Extended Credit programs may be required to complete social science (SOSC) and/or humanities (HUMA) credits. This may be done at your discretion (e.g., summer or adding additional credits on to a term). ESL courses and courses that focus on the acquisition of a language may not be used to meet this requirement. The list of available courses can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar, section 71.20.2